发布日期:2025-01-03 18:05 点击次数:121
直播丨“科学城之声”新闻发布厅揭牌仪式 暨“高质量高颜值发展”新闻发布会 Live Video 丨 Opening Ceremony of the Press Conference Hall of “Voice of Science City” and Press Conference on High Quality Development and Gorgeous Cityscape 时间:2021年4月14日(星期三)下午2:15 Time: 2:15 P.M. ,Wendesday,April 14, 2021 地点:光明区公共服务一楼新闻演播中心 Place: News & Broadcasting Center, Floor 1, Guangming District Public Service 光明区人民政府新闻办公室定于4月14日(星期三)下午2:15,在区公共服务平台一楼新闻演播中心,举行“科学城之声”新闻发布厅揭牌仪式暨“高质量高颜值发展”新闻发布会。邀请区科技创新局、区城管和综合执法局有关负责人介绍光明区科技创新工作高质量发展行动计划和光明区高颜值城市景观建设实施方案相关情况,并回答媒体记者提问。直播设置互动问答环节,市民朋友可通过留言板/评论区留言进行在线提问。欢迎到直播页面锁定精彩内容。 The Press Office of Guangming District People's Government of Shenzhen will hold the Opening Ceremony of the Press Conference Hall of “Voice of Science City” and Press Conference on High Quality Development and Gorgeous Cityscape at 2:15 p.m. on April 14 (Wednesday) addressed at the News & Broadcasting Center on Floor 1, Guangming District Public Service platform. Relevant heads of District Science, Technology and Innovation Bureau, District Urban Management and General Law Enforcement Bureau will be invited to introduce the high-quality development action plan of science & technology innovation and the implementation plan of gorgeous cityscape construction in Guangming District, and answer questions from the media. Interactive Q & A session will be set in live, enabling citizens can ask questions online through message board/comment area. Welcome to watch the live highlights. 实录内容 4月14日下午,光明区“高质量高颜值发展”新闻发布会在区公共服务平台一楼新闻演播中心举行。发布会邀请区科技创新局、区城市管理和综合执法局相关负责人,就光明区科技创新工作高质量发展行动计划相关情况、2021年光明区高颜值城市景观建设实施方案相关情况进行介绍,并现场回答提问。 On the afternoon of April 14, the Press Conference on High Quality Development and Gorgeous Cityscape of Guangming District is held in the News & Broadcasting Center on the Floor 1, Guangming District Public Service platform. At the press conference, relevant heads of District Science, Technology and Innovation Bureau and District Urban Management and General Law Enforcement Bureau are invited to introduce the high-quality development action plan of science & technology innovation in Guangming District and the implementation plan of gorgeous cityscape construction in 2021, and answer questions on site. 区科技创新局负责人向大家通报科技创新领域落实区委、区政府全面推进经济社会高质量发展加快打造高颜值深圳北部中心战略部署,加快提升区域科技创新能级,促进创新链和产业链融合发展的工作落实方案。 The head of District Science, Technology and Innovation Bureau inform every one of the implementation of the strategic deployment of the District Committee and the District Government in the field of Science & Technology Innovation for comprehensively promoting the high-quality economic and social development, accelerating the strategic deployment of building the-northern Shenzhen Center with gorgeous cityscape, boosting the promotion of regional Science & Technology Innovation level, and as well as promoting the integrative development of innovation chain and industrial chain. 光明科学城作为大湾区综合性国家科学中心先行启动区,服务于科技自立自强国家战略,服务于粤港澳大湾区和深圳先行示范区建设,服务于“基础研究+技术攻关+成果产业化+科技金融+人才支撑”全过程创新生态链构建,具有特殊重要的历史使命。作为光明区推进科技创新的重要力量,光明区科技创新局将不折不扣落实市委决策部署和区委工作部署,立足做到“两个维护”的政治高度,紧扣“打造深圳科研经济发展新增长极”中心任务,坚持科技创新与制度创新双轮驱动,依托一流科研平台建设,营造一流创新生态环境,提升创新体系整体效能,培育引领未来发展的新兴产业,建设具有全球影响力的科技和产业创新高地,让科技创新这个“关键变量”成为光明高质量发展的“重要增量”。 Guangming Science City, as the first start-up area of the comprehensive national science center in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA), serves the national strategy of self-reliance and self-improvement through science and technology, the construction of GBA and Shenzhen Pilot Demonstration Zone, and the construction of the whole process innovation ecological chain of "basic research + technological breakthrough + achievement industrialization + science & technology finance + talent support", which has a special important historical mission. As an important force to promote scientific and technological innovation in Guangming District, District Science, Technology and Innovation Bureau will fully implement the decision-making and deployment of the Municipal Party Committee and the work deployment District Party Committee. Based on the political height of "two-maintenance", it will stick to the central task of "building a new growth pole for scientific research and economic development in Shenzhen", adhere to the two-wheel drive of scientific and technological innovation and institutional innovation, and create a first-class innovation ecological environment by relying on the construction of first-class scientific research platform, to enhance the overall efficiency of the innovation system, foster emerging industries leading the future development, build a highland of science and technology and industrial innovation with global influence, and allow the "key variable" of Science & Technology Innovation to be an "important increment" of high-quality development of Guangming District. 根据《光明区关于全面推进经济社会高质量发展加快打造高颜值深圳北部中心的实施方案》,区科技创新局按照“一年见成效、三年大跨越、五年树典范”工作要求,编制了关于经济高质量发展的专项《行动计划(2021-2025年)》和2021年工作方案,聚焦聚力促进创新链、产业链深度融合发展,奋力建设深圳科研经济发展新增长极。 According to the Implementation Plan of Guangming District on Comprehensively Promoting High-quality Economic and Social Development and Accelerating the Construction of Gorgeous Cityscape Northern Shenzhen Center, the District Science, Technology and Innovation Bureau has compiled the Special Action Plan (2021-2025) and work plan for 2021 on high-quality economic development in accordance with the work requirements of "yielding results in one year, achieving big leap in three years and becoming model in five years", focusing on promoting in-depth integrated development of innovation chain and industrial chain and striving to build a new growth pole for Shenzhen’s scientific research and economic development. 今后五年,全区科技创新工作将实施四大工程、解决四大问题、打造四个高地,即:通过实施技术创新登峰工程、成果转化攻坚工程、科技企业培育工程、服务能力跃升工程,解决制约高质量发展源头创新能力薄弱、科技成果转化渠道不畅、企业创新能级不高、科技服务业态较少等问题,打造原始创新“策源地”、成果转化“首选地”、新兴产业“聚集地”、创新生态“新高地”,把光明区打造成为全市科技策源和创新发展新标杆。 In the next five years, the work of the scientific and technological innovation will focus on four major projects-implementing, four major problems-solving, and four highlands-building, namely, through the implementation of technological innovation summit projects, achievement transformation projects, science and technology enterprise fostering projects and service capacity upgrading project, we will solve such problems as weak innovation ability at the source to restrict high-quality development, lack of transformation channels for scientific and technological achievements, low innovation level of enterprises, and less science and technology service formats, so as to create the "source" of original innovation, the "preferred place" of achievement transformation, and "cluster" for emerging industries and "new highland" of innovation ecology, and to build Guangming District into the source of science and technology policies and a new benchmark for innovation and development of the city. 到2025年,全区科技创新重要指标在2020年末基础上大幅攀升,建设国家实验室1家、广东省实验室3家、新型研发机构10家,参与或发起国际大科学计划1项,全社会研发(R&D)投入占GDP比重达到7%以上(基础研发经费占R&D比重达20%以上),认定科技产业园面积360万平方米以上,落户国家级检验检测平台9个以上,科技创新专项基金规模突破20亿元,国家高新技术企业超过2300家,瞪羚和隐形冠军培育企业100家以上,战略性新兴产业增加值占GDP比重45%,科技创新能力跻身全市前列。 By 2025, the important indicators of Science & Technology Innovation in the District will rise sharply from that of the end of 2020. The District will build one national laboratory, three laboratories in Guangdong Province, and ten new R & D institutions; participate in or launch one international large science plan; reach GDP over total R & D investment in the whole society more than 7% (among them, more than 20% for basic R & D investment); authenticate the Science & Technology Industrial Park more than 3.6 million square meters; settle more than 9 national inspection and testing platforms; scale the special fund for scientific and technological innovation more than RMB 2 billion; own national high-tech enterprises more than 2300, gazelles and invisible champion cultivation enterprises more than 100; achieve 45% of GDP regarding added value of strategic emerging industries, and rank the capacity of scientific and technological innovation in the forefront of the city. 2021年,将聚焦解决创新链与产业链互融互促的痛点难点问题,围绕构建“原始创新体系”“科技成果转移转化体系”“‘科技-产业’循环发展体系”“高端科技服务体系”四大体系,实施16项举措、40项工作任务,按照台账式管理、项目式实施、节点式推进,确保推动经济高质量发展“一年见成效”。 In 2021, we will concentrate on solving the pain points and difficult problems of mutual integration and promotion between innovation chain and industrial chain, and implement 16 measures and 40 tasks around the construction of four major systems, namely "original innovation system", "transfer and transformation system of scientific and technological achievements", "science & technology industry circulation development system" and "high-end science & technology service system", and in accordance with “standing book-type” management, project implementation and node promotion ensure that the promotion of high-quality economic development will "yield results in one year". 一是聚焦聚力原始创新体系建设。光明科学城作为大湾区综合性国家科学中心先行启动区,将充分发挥重大科技基础设施集聚优势,支持高水平研究机构在开展关键领域核心技术攻关等方面发挥核心引擎作用,以源头创新赋能经济高质量发展。 In 2021, we will concentrate on solving the pain points and difficult problems of mutual integration and promotion between innovation chain and industrial chain, and implement 16 measures and 40 tasks around the construction of four major systems, namely "original innovation system", "transfer and transformation system of scientific and technological achievements", "science & technology industry circulation development system" and "high-end science & technology service system", and in accordance with “standing book-type” management, project implementation and node promotion ensure that the promotion of high-quality economic development will "yield results in one year". 将持续集聚一流科研平台,推动鹏城实验室鹏城云脑III、未来网络通信设施群等重大科技基础设施落户光明科学城;推进深圳湾实验室争创国家实验室,推进人工智能与数字经济(深圳)广东省实验室、国家超算深圳中心(二期)开工建设;建立落实院地合作工作专班,强化光明区-中科院深圳先进院工作合力,通过国际科技信息中心等示范项目形成可复制可推广的中科院科研机构落地机制,导入中科院各类创新平台。 We will continue to gather first-class scientific research platforms, drive Pengcheng Laboratory Cloud Brian III, future network communication facilities group and other major scientific and technological infrastructure to settle in Guangming Science City; push on Shenzhen Bay Laboratory to strive for National Laboratory, and carry forward the construction of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy (Shenzhen) Guangdong Provincial Laboratory and the National Supercomputing Shenzhen Center (phase II); establish and implement the special class of academy local cooperation to strengthen the joint efforts between Guangming District and Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and through the international center for science and technology information and other demonstration projects, form a replicable and promotable landing mechanism for scientific research institutions of CAS, which will be introduced into various innovation platforms of CAS. 将积极探索新型举国体制科研攻关模式,围绕工程生物、新材料、新型显示等产业链重点环节,制定出台《光明区新型研发机构认定管理办法》,推进双一流大学及国有大型企业设立新型研发机构,创新”科学家+工程专家+研发团队”组织模式,建立”研发代工”产学研协同创新机制,在新冠肺炎、肿瘤代谢、医学影像、脑疾病治疗、仪器仪表核心部件等领域推出一批重大科研成果。 We will actively explore a new mode of nationwide key scientific research, formulate and issue the Administrative Measures for Identification of New R & D Institutions In Guangming District around the key links of engineering biology, new materials, new display and other industrial chains, promote the establishment of new R & D institutions in double first-class universities and large state-owned enterprises, innovate the organizational mode of “scientists + engineering experts + R & D team”, and establish the collaborative innovation mechanism of “R & D OEM” to develop a number of important scientific research achievements in the fields of COVID-19, tumor metabolism, medical imaging, treatment of brain disease treatment, and core components of instrumentation as well as other areas. 将积极引入社会资本参与基础研究和应用基础研究,加快制定《光明科学城科研慈善基金管理办法》《科研慈善捐赠主体权利保障指引》,探索联合中科院深圳先进院等科研机构发起成立全市首支科研慈善基金,力争社会捐赠金额不少于1亿元。推进现有省级以上工程技术研究中心、新型研发机构转建或争创若干广东省技术创新中心;今年力争新增22家市级以上企业创新平台,支持企业向市级推荐技术攻关项目选题,承担市级以上技术攻关项目6个以上。 We will actively explore a new mode of nationwide key scientific research, formulate and issue the Administrative Measures for Identification of New R & D Institutions In Guangming District around the key links of engineering biology, new materials, new display and other industrial chains, promote the establishment of new R & D institutions in double first-class universities and large state-owned enterprises, innovate the organizational mode of “scientists + engineering experts + R & D team”, and establish the collaborative innovation mechanism of “R & D OEM” to develop a number of important scientific research achievements in the fields of COVID-19, tumor metabolism, medical imaging, treatment of brain disease treatment, and core components of instrumentation as well as other areas. 二是聚焦聚力科技成果转移转化体系建设。光明区将全力构建”一套机制、一个平台、多样对接”的科技成果转化新格局。将高质量搭建成果转移转化政策体系,制定《光明区关于进一步促进科技成果产业化的若干措施》和《光明区关于推进光明国际技术转移转化中心实施方案》,成立光明科学城科技成果转移转化专项小组,促进产学研用深度融合。 Second, focus on the system construction of the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements. Guangming District will make every effort to build a new pattern of transformation of scientific and technological achievements with “a set of mechanisms, a platform and diversified docking”. We will establish a high-quality policy system for the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements, formulate Measures on Further Promoting the Industrialization of Scientific and Technological Achievements in Guangming District and Implementation Plan of Guangming District on Promoting Guangming International Technology Transfer and Transformation Center, and establish a special group for the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements in Guangming Science City, so as to promote the deep integration of industry, university, research and application. 高水平建设科技成果转移转化平台,选址云智科园(2000平方米),挂牌成立光明国际技术转移转化中心,引进不少于10家成果转化服务机构,启动建设光明区首个概念验证中心、首个专业中试验证和成果转化基地。 We will build a high-level platform for the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements, YunZhi Science Park as the site (2000 square meters), set up Guangming international technology transfer and transformation center, introduce no less than 10 achievement transformation service institutions, and start the construction of first concept verification center in Guangming District and the first professional pilot verification and achievement transformation base. 将高效率开展成果产业化试点服务。以深圳湾实验室为示范,搭建公共技术服务平台和仪器共享平台;以深圳市工程生物中心为试点,为企业提供全周期全流程跟踪服务,建立初创型科技企业成长潜力评价体系;实施技术经纪人培养计划,培养首批技术经纪人;多元化、专业化举办科技成果供需对接、项目路演等转移转化活动,实现评估、咨询、融资等全链条多态化对接,争取实现年度技术交易金额不低于5亿元。 We will carry out pilot services for the industrialization of achievements with high efficiency. Taking Shenzhen Bay laboratory as an example, we will build a public technology service platform and instrument sharing platform; taking Shenzhen Engineering Biology Center as a pilot, we will provide full cycle and whole process tracking services for enterprises and establish an evaluation system for the growth potential of start-up technology enterprises; we will implement the training plan for technology brokers to train the first batch of technology brokers; we will also conduct diversified and specialized supply and demand docking of scientific and technological achievements, project road show and other transfer and transformation activities, thus realizing the polymorphic docking of the whole chain of evaluation, consultation and financing, and striving to achieve the annual technology transaction amount of no less than RMB 500 million. 三是聚焦聚力”科技-产业”循环发展体系建设。在构建创新产业链精准服务体系方面,计划通过编制光明区创新链产业链双链长制工作方案、设立光明科学城科技创新专家咨询委员会、出台主导产业细分领域高质量发展专项扶持政策等务实举措,形成”一条创新产业链、一位链长、一个链主单位、一个工作方案、一套支持政策”的”五个一”创新产业链精准服务体系;围绕区3+1主导产业布局,按照”一所高校院所、一位行业专家、一家龙头企业、一个新型研发机构”工作模式,协力推进创新链产业链融合发展。 Third, focus on the construction of “Technology-Industry” circular development system. In terms of building an accurate service system of innovation industry chain, it is planned to form an accurate service system of innovative industrial chain characterizing “Five Ones” that “one innovation industry chain, one chain leader, one main unit, one work plan and a set of supporting policies” through the preparation of the work plan of double chain leader system of innovation industry chain in Guangming District, the establishment of the science and technology innovation expert advisory committee of Guangming Science City, and the introduction of special support policies for high-quality development of leading industry segments. Moreover, focusing on the layout of 3 + 1 leading industries in the zone, we will work together to promote the integrated development of innovation chain and industry chain according to the working mode of "one university, one industry expert, one leading enterprise and one new R & D institution". 在推进创新产业链”强链补链建链”方面,计划通过凝练绘制”巩固优势产业”“解决‘卡脖子’问题”“抢占技术前沿”三类技术攻关清单;引进细分行业国内外前10强企业落户建设研发中心,建设生物大分子CDMO平台,创建研发-中试-产业化一体化新型产业园,出台支持合成生物产业高质量发展若干措施,加快推进超算二期、人工智能与数字经济广东省实验室等创新平台建设人工智能开源平台等措施,在各主导产业领域依托龙头企业或科研机构构建完善的上下游产业链生态,推动优质企业和优质项目集聚。 In the respect of promoting the “strengthening the chain, supplementing the chain and building the chain” of innovation industry chain, it is planned to draw a list of three types of technology tackling, namely “consolidating the advantageous industries”, “solving the ‘neck sticking problem” and “seizing the technological frontier”; to introduce the top 10 domestic and foreign enterprises in subdivided industries to settle down in the construction of R & D centers, to build the biomacromolecule CDMO platform and create a new industrial park integrating R & D-Pilot plant-Industrialization. We will speed up to introduce a number of measures to support the high-quality development of the synthetic biology industry, accelerate the construction of innovative platforms such as supercomputing phase II, artificial intelligence and digital economy laboratories in Guangdong Province, and build open-source platforms for artificial intelligence. We will rely on leading enterprises or scientific research institutions to build the perfect upstream and downstream industrial chain ecology in various leading industries to promote the agglomeration of high-quality enterprises and high-quality projects. 在培育创新企业集群方面,计划开展国高企业提质增量行动,建立光明区国高企业培育数据库,根据企业成熟度分级分类提供培育服务,今年力争新增国高企业210家以上。建立”科技型中小企业-瞪羚企业-隐形冠军-独角兽企业”科技企业梯度培育体系,引进培育”准独角兽企业”“瞪羚企业”“隐形冠军企业”不少于20家。 In terms of cultivating innovative enterprise clusters, it is planned to carry out the incremental action of improving the quality of national high-tech enterprises, to establish the national high-tech enterprise cultivation database of Guangming District, to provide cultivation services according to the enterprise maturity level and classification, striving to add more than 210 national high-tech enterprises this year. We will make our effort to establish a gradient cultivation system of “technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises - gazelle enterprises - invisible champions - unicorn enterprises”, and introduce and cultivate no less than 20 “quasi unicorn enterprises”, “gazelle enterprises” and “invisible champions”. 四是聚焦聚力高端科技服务体系建设。将全力打造以政府为主导、孵化育成机构为载体、科技金融为支撑、专业服务机构为桥梁的”四位一体”科技服务体系。将加快集聚专业科技公共服务机构,全年引进不低于5家设计研发、知识产权等服务机构,全区科技服务业占比服务业比重增幅不低于2%。建立孵化空间年度KPI考核制度,全面提升初创型孵化空间建设质量;新认定生命科学、人工智能、新材料领域区级孵化器不少于2家,培育国家级科技企业孵化器。 Fourth, focus on the construction of high-end science and technology service system. We will spare no effort to build a “four in one” science and technology service system with the government as the leading role, incubation institutions as the carrier, science and technology finance as the support, and professional service institutions as the bridge. The agglomeration of professional science and technology public service institutions will be accelerated, achieving introduction of no less than 5 design and R & D, intellectual property and other service institutions and the proportion of science and technology service industry in the whole region increased by no less than 2% throughout the year. The annual KPI assessment system of incubation space will be established to comprehensively improve the construction quality of start-up incubation space with no less than two district level incubators in the fields of life science, artificial intelligence and new materials have been newly identified, artificial intelligence and new materials, as well as cultivate national level technology business incubators. 将加快优化科技金融生态,上线运营光明区科技金融在线平台,实现科技型企业”精准画像”;成立规模突破2亿元的区科技创新专项基金;举办不少于10场科技金融活动,撮合150家科技型中小企业累计实现10亿元以上融资。 We will accelerate the optimization of science and technology finance ecology, operate science and technology finance online platform in Guangming District, providing “targeted assistance” for science and technology enterprises, special fund for science and technology innovation of more than RMB 200 million will be established and no less than 10 science and technology finance activities will be held, so as to helping 150 science and technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises to achieve a total financing of more than RMB one billion. 将全力荟聚科技企业,编制《光明区科技型中小企业引进行动方案(2021-2025)》与《2021年光明区科技创新局科技型中小企业招商工作计划》,采用商协会招商、专家委员会招商、龙头企业产业链招商等策略开展”精准招商”,全年目标引进优质科技企业不低于200家;将全力营造创新创业氛围,进一步丰富国际人才交流大会、光创赛、高交会等活动内涵,设立合成生物产业专题赛,举办港澳项目光明行2次,发动不少于900个项目报名光创赛;高交会与不少于10家科研院所、企业签订战略合作协议。 We will make every effort to gather scientific and technological enterprises, prepare the Action Plan for Introduction of Scientific and Technological Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Guangming District (2021-2025) and the Investment Promotion Plan for Scientific and Technological SMEs of Guangming District Science and technology Innovation Bureau in 2021, carry out “precise investment promotion” by adopting the strategies of business association investment promotion, expert committee investment promotion and leading enterprise industry chain investment promotion, with the aim of introducing no less than 200 high-quality scientific and technological enterprises in the whole year. We will make every effort to create an atmosphere of innovation and entrepreneurship, further enrich the connotation of international talent exchange conference, innovation and entrepreneurship competition, high tech fair and other activities, set up a special competition of synthetic biology industry, hold two Guangming tours of Hong Kong and Macao projects, and launch no less than 900 project registration Guangming District Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition as well as sign strategic cooperation agreements with no less than 10 scientific research institutes and enterprises in High-Tech Fair. 接下来,区科技创新局将按照区委区政府《实施方案》要求,抓好贯彻落实,发挥科技创新核心引擎作用,为光明经济高质量发展持续提供”源动力”,争做代表深圳参与全球科技创新竞争的”第一艘冲锋舟”。 Next, in accordance with the requirements of the Implementation Plan of the District Party committee and the District Government, the District Science, Technology Innovation Bureau will do a good job in implementing the plan, give full play to the role of the core engine of science and technology innovation, continuously provide the “source power” for the high-quality development of Guangming economy, and strive to be the “First Assault Boat” representing Shenzhen to participate in the global competition of science and technology innovation. 随后,区城市管理和综合执法局相关负责人介绍2021年光明区高颜值城市景观建设实施方案相关情况。 Then, the relevant heads of District Urban Management and General Law Enforcement Bureau will introduce the implementation plan of urban gorgeous cityscape construction in Guangming District in 2021. 2018年行政区成立以来,我们紧紧围绕“建设世界一流科学城和深圳北部中心”的定位和使命,以公园之区建设、道路景观提升、城中村综合治理、城市品质提升等工作为抓手,按照全域景观理念,秉持“工匠精神”,高标准建设宜居、宜业、宜创的优质生活圈。两年多来,全区共新建公园113个,总数达260个;提升景观道路117条,总数达172条;综合治理城中村110个,打造城市品质项目223个。 Since the establishment of the Administrative District in 2018, we have been focusing on the positioning and mission of "building a world-class science city and the northern center of Shenzhen", paying attention to constructing park district, improving road landscape, comprehensively managing villages in the city, and improving the urban quality; following the concept of whole district landscape, and adhering to the "Craftsman’s Spirit" to build a high-quality living circle suitable for living, work, and entrepreneurship. Over the past two years, we have built 113 new parks, reaching a total of 260, improved 117 road landscape, reaching a total of 172, comprehensively managed 110 villages in the city, and finished 223 urban quality projects. 在今年2月份召开的全区高质量高颜值发展大会上,区委、区政府提出了建设高质量高颜值城区的工作目标。为实现这一目标,区城市管理和综合执法局积极探索,打造了“一三五百”的高颜值项目建设体系,深入推动从地面、立面,到天面的全域景观建设。具体来说就是“做实一个机构、建立三大机制、完善五类行业标准体系、成立百名专家库”。 At the Special Session on High Quality Development and Gorgeous Cityscape of Guangming District held in February, the District Party Committee and the District Government put forward the goal of building Guangming District with high quality development and gorgeous cityscape. In order to achieve this goal, the District Urban Management and Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau actively explored and built a "one, three, five and hundred" gorgeous cityscape project construction system, and deeply promoted the construction of the whole landscape from every perspective. Specifically speaking, it is to "strengthen one institution, establish three mechanisms, improve five industry standard systems, and establish a database of hundred experts". 《实施方案》中提出了一年见成效,三年大跨越,五年树典范的工作目标,区城市管理和综合执法局作为责任单位使命昭昭、任重道远。今年,将秉持“全域景观理念”,重点打造六大片区高颜值景观项目,从“质”和“量”上促进城区环境面貌上台阶、展“新颜”。6大片区共33个项目,总投资26.68亿元,目前已开工项目7个,已完成施工招标项目4个,正在开展前期工作项目22个。 The Implementation Plan proposed the goal of achieving results in one year, making great breakthroughs in three years and setting a model in five years. As the responsible unit, the District Urban Management and Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau shoulders heavy responsibilities and has a long way to go. This year, we will adhere to the "whole area landscape concept" and focus on building gorgeous cityscape projects in six areas, so as to promote the urban environment to a higher level and show a "new appearance" in terms of "quality" and "quantity". There are 33 projects in six areas, with a total investment of RMB 2.668 billion. At present, we started 7 projects, completed 4 construction bidding projects, and carried preliminary work of 22 projects. 一是开展科学城大装置区周边环境提升项目。在科学城核心区基础上,推进全域景观工程全面延伸,打造楼村北、公明北环、公光路全域景观项目,建设白鸽陂公园(公明森林公园一期白鸽陂片区)、楼村学府公园、北岗后山公园和羌下旧村社区公园,改造三月风广场景观,建设新羌特色村落,实施果场路白改黑综合景观提升。合计13个项目,投资7.73亿元。目前已开工项目3个,已完成施工招标项目2个,正在开展前期工作项目8个。 First, carry out the environmental improvement project around the large installation area of the Science City. On the basis of the core area of the Science City, promote the comprehensive extension of the whole area landscape project, build the North Lou Village, North Ring of Gongming and Gongguang Road landscape projects, construct Baigepi Park (Baigepi Area of Gongming Forest Park Phase I), Loucun Xuefu Park, Beigang Houshan Park and Qiangxia Old Village Community Park, transform the landscape of March Wind Square, Build Xinqiang Characteristic Village, and implement the comprehensive landscape of changing cement road to asphalt road of Guochang road. There are 13 projects, with a total investment of RMB 773 million. At present, we started 3 projects, completed 2 construction bidding projects, and carried preliminary work of 8 projects. 二是开展虹桥公园片区高颜值景观项目。完善虹桥公园一期配套服务,建设虹桥公园二期、凤凰公园,更新光侨路慢行系统;围绕光明城高铁站,建设花卉主题公园百花园,开展光明城站周边片区全域景观提升、完善虹桥公园周边道路全域景观;以深圳市中医院光明院区为重点,新建中草药特色百草园,提升东长路大外环节点全域景观。合计10个项目,投资9.57亿元。目前已开工项目3个,已完成施工招标项目1个,正在开展前期工作项目6个。 Second, carry out gorgeous cityscape projects in Hongqiao Park Area. Improve the facilitates of Hongqiao Park Phase I, build Hongqiao Park Phase II and Phoenix Park, and update the slow traffic system of Guangqiao road; build flower theme park Baihua Garden around Guangming high-speed railway station, carry out the whole area landscape improvement around Guangming Station, and improve the whole area landscape of roads around Hongqiao Park; focus on Shenzhen TCM Hospital, Guangming Branch, build a Baicao Garden with Chinese herb characteristics. Enhance the overall landscape of Outer Ring of Dongchang Road. There are 10 projects, with a total investment of RMB 957 million. At present, we started 3 projects, finished 1 construction bidding project, and carried preliminary work of 6 projects. 三是开展光明国际汽车城片区高颜值景观项目。围绕光明国际汽车城,建设汽车主题的百趣园,开展3条社区道路景观提升,提升东明大道绿化景观,梳理光明大道侧分带和附属绿地,打造开朗通透的道路景观。合计4个项目,投资1.74亿元。目前已开工项目1个,已完成施工招标项目1个,正在开展前期工作项目2个。 Third, implement gorgeous cityscape projects in Guangming International Automobile City. Around Guangming International Automobile City, build an automobile theme park, carry out landscape improvement of three community roads, improve the landscaping of Dongming Avenue, sort out the side zoning and affiliated green space of Guangming Avenue, and create an open and transparent road landscape. There are 4 projects with a total investment of RMB 174 million. Currently, we started 1 project, completed 1 construction bidding project, and implemented preliminary work of 2 projects. 四是开展科农路及凤凰片区高颜值景观项目。对科农路、同业路、同惠路、光布路、鹅颈西路开展全域景观提升,完善人行道和慢行系统,梳理道路绿化景观,打造精致街心公园,提升沿线景观照明,开展电力迁改和三线下地,配套完善城市家具。合计2个项目,投资1.2亿元。目前均在开展前期工作。 Fourth, carry out gorgeous cityscape projects of Kenong Road and Fenghuang Area. Promote the landscape around Konong Road, Tongye Road, Tonghui Road, Guangbu Road and E’jing West Road, improve the sidewalk and slow traffic system, sort out the road greening landscape, create an exquisite street park, improve the landscape lighting along the line, carry out power relocation and put three lines (electric wires, telephone lines, cable television lines) to the underground, and complete the urban furniture. There are 2 projects with a total investment of RMB 120 million. At the moment, we are carrying the preliminary work. 五是开展光明南大门片区高颜值景观项目。充分利用山林自然资源,建设阿婆髻森林公园;活化长圳社区绿地,打造玉德园;开展立面刷新、电力迁改,提升道路绿化景观,打造节点广场,重塑长凤路沿线综合景观。合计3个项目,投资5.48亿元。目前均在开展前期工作。 Fifth, carry out gorgeous cityscape projects in Guangming South Gate area. We will make full use of the natural resources of mountains and forests to build Apoji Forest Park; activate the green space of Changzhen Community to build Yude Park; carry out elevation renovation and power relocation to improve the road greening landscape, build node square and reshape the comprehensive landscape along Changfeng Road. There are 3 projects with a total investment of RMB 548 million. At the moment, we are carrying the preliminary works. 六是开展时间谷片区高颜值景观项目。完善钟表基地周边芳园路、钟表二路、通兴路、富利南路、禾仓路、金安路与钟合路,共七条道路的人行道和慢行系统,提升道路绿化景观,建设街心公园,开展建筑立面刷新、景观照明提升,完善城市家具完善等工程。合计1个项目,投资0.97亿元。目前正在开展前期工作。 Sixth, carry out gorgeous cityscape projects in Time Valley Area. Improve the sidewalk and slow traffic system of seven roads, including Fangyuan Road, Second Zhongbiao Road, Tongxing Road, Fuli South Road, Hecang Road, Jin'an Road and Zhonghe Road, improve the road greening landscape, build the street park, carry out building elevation renovation, landscape lighting improvement, and improve the urban furniture and other projects. There is 1 project with a total investment of RMB 97 million. Currently, we are carrying the preliminary work. 经过三年接续奋斗,2023年计划新建成不少于15个公园,全域景观提升10个片区、共60条道路,进出我区出入口、主次干道、主要片区全面完成全域景观提升,高质量高颜值的现代化城区框架基本形成。 After three years of continuous efforts, we are going to build more than 15 new parks in 2023, improve the overall landscape in 10 areas, with 60 roads, and complete the overall landscape improvement in the entrances and exits, main and secondary roads, in major areas, so as to basically form a high-quality and gorgeous-cityscape modern urban framework. 再经过两年努力,完成高质量高颜值现代化城区有效管控,实现“两个转变”奋斗目标,一是由全域景观向全域景区转变,即由重点打造高颜值城市景观向提升高颜值景区服务管理水平的转变,二是由全域游览向全域游玩转变,即从单纯的欣赏、观赏高颜值景观,向可进入、可参与的高颜值景区转变,让光明在每个市民游客心中达到“愿意来、留得住、不想走”的美好愿景。 After another two years of efforts, we will complete the effective management and control of high-quality and gorgeous-cityscape modern urban areas, and achieve the goal of "two transformations". One is the transformation from whole area landscape to whole area scenic spots, that is, from focusing on creating gorgeous cityscape to improving the service and management level of gorgeous-cityscape scenic spots; another is the transformation from whole area tour to whole area entertainment, that is, from simply enjoying and viewing gorgeous cityscape to the gorgeous-cityscape scenic spots that allowed tourists to be participated by themselves. Try to achieve the beautiful vision that every citizen and visitor "willing to come, stay for a long time". 预计到2025年,我区要建成“郊野—综合—社区”三级公园生态圈体系,畅通完善的道路交通体系,和谐的城市色彩体系,国际化的城市天际线和立面体系,休闲活力的河流水岸体系,智慧化和精细化的城市管理体系,彰显我区的高颜值、感受度和美誉度。 It is expected that by 2025, our District will build a "country-comprehensive-community" three-level park ecosystem system, a smooth and perfect road traffic system, a harmonious urban color system, an international urban skyline and elevation system, a leisure and dynamic river bank system, and an intelligent and refined urban management system, which will highlight the gorgeous cityscape, feeling and reputation of our District. 接下来,进入提问环节。 Now, it’s time to answer questions. 南方日报记者提问,我们注意到您刚才介绍时提到要打造科技成果转化“首选地”。能否详细介绍一下光明区在科技成果转化方面有哪些举措? Reporter from Nanfang Daily: We noticed that you just mentioned creating a "preferred place" for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements. Could you tell us in detail what measures Guangming District has taken in the transformation? 区科技创新局负责人回答记者提问。近期科技部与深圳市人民政府联合印发了《中国特色社会主义先行示范区科技创新行动方案》,方案明确提到“推动国家科技计划产出的科研成果在深圳转化落地”。光明科学城处于深圳这片创新的沃土,在贴近产业方面有非常鲜明的特点和得天独厚的优势:光明科学城聚焦于信息科学与技术、材料科学与技术、生命科学与技术这三个大湾区产业优势领域。光明科学城将突出“沿途下蛋”的基本导向,充分利用深圳和粤港澳大湾区的产业基础和创新环境,在市场需求的最前沿催生创新成果,在科技创新的第一线迅速运用和转化,通过大规模产业应用正向回馈技术创新,实现可持续富有生命力的良性循环。对此,我们以体制机制创新为突破,着力解决科技成果转化中的技术供给、中试验证、企业承接等关键问题和薄弱环节,形成以原始创新为支撑、企业需求为导向、专业化服务平台为依托、优质孵化育成空间为载体的“一套机制、两个主体、三类平台”科技成果转化新格局。 The head of the District Science, Technology and Innovation Bureau answered the reporter's questions. Recently, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Shenzhen Municipal People's Government jointly issued the Action Plan for Scientific and Technological Innovation of the Demonstration Zone of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, which clearly mentioned "promoting the transformation and landing of scientific research achievements from the national science and technology plan in Shenzhen". Guangming Science City is located in the fertile land of innovation in Shenzhen, and owns distinctive characteristics and unique advantages in close to industry. Guangming Science City focuses on three major industries in the GBA: namely, information science and technology, material science and technology, and life science and technology. Guangming Science City will highlight the basic orientation of "continuously transforming the technological achievements to applications", make full use of the industrial foundation and innovation environment of Shenzhen and GBA, promote innovation achievements at the forefront of market demand, rapidly apply and transform in the first line of scientific and technological innovation, and realize a sustainable and vigorous virtuous circle through positive feedback of large-scale industrial application to technological innovation. In this regard, we take the system and mechanism innovation as a breakthrough, and strive to solve the key problems and weak links in the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, such as technology supplies, intermediate experiments, enterprise undertakings, etc., so as to form a "one set mechanism, two main bodies, three types of platform" transformation of scientific and technological achievements with original innovation as the support, enterprise demand as the guidance, professional service platform as the support, and high-quality incubation space as the carrier. 一是完善一套机制。我们计划成立光明科学城科技成果转移转化专项小组,出台《光明区关于进一步促进科技成果产业化的若干措施》《光明国际技术转移转化中心建设实施方案》等政策规章,重点支持科技成果产业化及中试、小试基地建设等项目,引导光明区高校、科研院所加快开展科研人员职务科技成果所有权或长期使用权试点。同时建立光明科学城重大科技成果接续支持机制,吸引国家重大科技研发任务相关成果在光明科学城接续开展产业化研究。 First, improve a set of mechanisms. We plan to set up a special group for the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements in Guangming Science City, introduce policies and regulations such as Measures for Further Promoting the Industrialization of Scientific and Technological Achievements in Guangming District and Implementation Plan for the Construction of Guangming International Technology Transfer and Transformation Center, focus on supporting the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements and the construction of pilot and small-scale bases, and guide colleges and research institutes in Guangming District to speed up the development of pilot projects for the ownership or long-term use right of scientific and technological achievements of scientific research personnel. At the same time, we will establish a support mechanism for the continuation of major scientific and technological achievements of Guangming Science City, and attract relevant achievements of national major scientific and technological research and development tasks to carry out industrialization research in Guangming Science City. 二是聚焦两个主体。一方面是抓住科研机构。我们聚焦发挥重大研究平台的科技策源功能,正加快出台光明区新型研发机构认定管理办法,支持社会资本联合光明科学城科研机构设立一批新型研发机构,针对生物医药、人工智能、新材料等领域科技产业发展共性需求开展技术创新研究,承接成果转移转化。另一方面是抓住企业主体。我们聚焦提升企业科技成果转化承接能力,围绕产业链、创新链关键领域,支持企业主动承接和转化高校院所具有实际应用价值的科技成果,引导企业、产业联盟开展面向高校院所的技术难题竞标、科技悬赏等“研发众包”。建立“科技型中小企业-瞪羚企业-隐形冠军-独角兽企业”科技企业梯度培育与引进体系,不断充实和壮大科技型中小企业群体,为高新技术企业培育更多“后备军”。 Second, focus on two subjects. On the one hand, scientific research institutions should be grasped. We are focusing on giving full play to the science and technology source function of major research platforms. We are speeding up the promulgation of the management measures for the identification of new R & D institutions in Guangming District, supporting social capital to establish a number of new R & D institutions in combination with the scientific research institutions in Guangming Science City, carrying out technological innovation research for the common needs of the development of science and technology industries in the fields of biomedicine, artificial intelligence, new materials, etc., and undertaking the transfer and transformation of achievements. On the other hand, we should grasp the main body of enterprises. We focus on improving the ability of enterprises to undertake the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, support enterprises to actively undertake and transform the scientific and technological achievements with practical application value of colleges and universities around the key fields of industrial chain and innovation chain, and guide enterprises and industry alliances to carry out “R & D crowd sourcing” such as technical problem bidding and science and technology reward for colleges and universities. We should establish a gradient cultivation and introduction system of “technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises - gazelle enterprises - invisible champions - unicorn enterprises”, constantly enrich and expand the group of technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises, and cultivate more “reserve forces” for high-tech enterprises. 三是搭建三类平台。首先是搭建技术转移转化平台。我们正全力推进光明国际技术转移转化中心建设,支持光明科学城高校、专业技术转移机构、科技服务企业等各类平台集中入驻,建立聚合大湾区高校、科研院所的科技成果信息库,为科技成果传递、扩散、交流提供丰富完备的信息资源支持。其次是搭建中试验证平台。我们正引进建设光明区首个概念验证中心、首个专业中试验证和成果转化基地,计划启动新材料测试评价中心建设,开展样品生产、技术鉴定、批量试制、工艺熟化等服务。再次是搭建新型科技产业园区。我们正全面完善“概念验证-众创空间—孵化器—加速器—科技产业园区”孵化链条,重点推动各类孵化创新载体专业化、品牌化建设,以生命科学产业为示范,建设高科创新中心、卫光生命科学园、恒泰裕华南医谷等标杆新型科技产业园区,打造从研发到中试再到产业化的科技成果转移转化基地。 The third is to build three types of platforms. The first is to build technology transfer and transformation platform. We are making every effort to promote the construction of Guangming international technology transfer and transformation center, support Guangming Science City universities, professional technology transfer institutions, science and technology service enterprises and other platforms to settle in, and establish a scientific and technological achievements information database that aggregates universities and scientific research institutes in GBA, so as to provide rich and complete information resources support for the transmission, diffusion and exchange of scientific and technological achievements. The second is to build the platform of medium test certificate. We are introducing and constructing the first proof-of-concept center, the first professional intermediate test certificate and achievement transformation base in Guangming District. We plan to start the construction of new material testing and evaluation center, and carry out sample production, technical identification, batch trial production, process maturation and other services. The third is to build a new type of science and Technology Industrial Park. We are comprehensively improving the incubation chain of "proof of concept - maker space - incubator - accelerator - science and technology industrial park", focusing on promoting the specialization and brand construction of various incubator innovation carriers, taking the life science industry as a model, building new model science and technology industrial parks such as high tech Innovation Center, Weiguang Life Science Park, Hengtaiyu South China Medical Valley, etc., to build a base for the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements from R&D to pilot testing and then to industrialization. 企业代表提问,在推动科技创新与实体经济深度融合过程中,资金扶持是最有力的方式。目前,光明区资金扶持政策有哪些特点,未来光明在科技创新专项资金扶持方面将会有哪些新的举措? Enterprise representatives asked questions. In the process of promoting the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation and the real economy, financial support is the most powerful way. At present, what are the characteristics of Guangming District's financial support policies, and what new measures will Guangming take in the support of special funds for scientific and technological innovation in the future? 区科技创新局负责人回答记者提问。 我区2020年完成科技创新专项资金预算执行1.68亿元,主要支持事项为国高企业认定资助、创新平台扶持、科技计划以及创新创业活动资助等。今年光明区科技创新专项资金预算为3.0亿元,与上一年相比接近翻了一倍,增加部分主要是兑现2020年光明区出台的支持“3+1”产业发展等系列政策。 The person in charge of the district science and technology innovation Bureau answered the reporter's questions. In 2020, the district will complete the implementation of 168 million yuan of special fund budget for science and technology innovation, and the main support items are national high-tech enterprise recognition funding, innovation platform support, science and technology plan and innovation and entrepreneurship activities funding, etc. This year, the budget of science and technology innovation special fund of Guangming District is 300 million yuan, nearly doubled compared with the previous year. The increase is mainly due to the implementation of a series of policies issued by Guangming District in 2020 to support the “3+1” industrial development. 接下来,光明区科技创新资金扶持将推出更强有力的举措:一是加大科技专项资金的盘子,占比要达到年度财政总支出的4%以上,2022年将达到6.5亿元以上,且未来5年年均增长率不低于5%。二是不断完善经发资金管理办法,优化科技政策体系,在资金覆盖广度和深度上下苦工,广度上重点聚焦研发投入、科技型中小企业孵化培育,培育科研经济业态;深度上在医疗器械、创新药物及制剂、集成电路设计及制造、智能装备、新材料、新能源等重点细分领域和工业互联网、人工智能、大数据、5G应用等高端科技服务业制定专项扶持政策,培育一批优势科技产业。三是在重点科技项目招引培育上,建立容错机制,充分发挥政府“一事一议”决策的灵活度,在人工智能、第三代半导体、生命科学前沿领域等未来产业,敢为人先,适当降低引入门槛,加大资金投入,每年立项一批事前资助的科技项目,寻求重大突破,培育新兴产业增长极。 Next, Guangming District will launch more powerful funds measures to support science and technology innovation. First, increase the proportion of special funds for science and technology to reach more than 4% of the total annual financial expenditure, which will reach more than 650 million yuan in 2022, with an average annual growth rate of no less than 5% in the next five years. The second is to continuously improve the fund management methods of the economic development corporation, optimize the science and technology policy system, work hard in the breadth and depth of fund coverage, focus on R & D investment, incubation and cultivation of science and technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises in breadth, and cultivate scientific research and economic formats; in depth, focus on the subdivision of medical devices, innovative drugs and preparations, integrated circuit design and manufacturing, intelligent equipment, new materials, new energy, etc. Special support policies were also formulated for high-end science and technology service industries such as industrial Internet, artificial intelligence, big data and 5g applications to cultivate a number of advantageous science and technology industries. Third, in the recruitment and cultivation of key science and technology projects, we should establish a fault-tolerant mechanism, give full play to the flexibility of the government's decision-making of "one case, one discussion". In the future industries such as artificial intelligence, third-generation semiconductors, life science frontier fields, we should dare to be the first, appropriately lower the threshold of introduction, increase financial investment, and set up a number of science and technology projects funded in advance every year to seek major breakthroughs and cultivate growth poles in emerging industries. 工作生活在光明的国际友人提问,《实施方案》提出要实施全域景观提升行动,您能否谈谈未来城管部门将如何运用全域景观理念,让自然风光从“星罗棋布”到“串珠成链”,推动全区高质量高颜值发展? Foreign friends working and living in Guangming asked, "The Implementation Plan proposes to implement the whole landscape promotion action. Can you talk about how the urban management department will use the concept of whole landscape in the future to make the natural scenery from ‘scattered’ to ‘beaded chain’, and promote the high-quality development with gorgeous cityscape of the whole region?” 光明区城市管理和综合执法局相关负责人回答提问。今年2月召开的高质量高颜值发展大会提出,让优美的自然风光和生态资源,从孤立的点状分布实现线性的有机结合,从“星罗棋布”到“串珠成链”,我们计划联合规划、交通、水务、文化旅游等部门,共同研究策划,编制山海连城概念设计方案,利用绿道、碧道、古驿道和慢行系统,在一些交通不便的区域,建设空中廊桥等设施,把公园绿地、河流水系、旅游景区、服务设施等串联起来,方便市民可到达、可进入、可参与、可体验,实现全域景观。 The relevant person in charge of Guangming District Bureau of urban management and comprehensive law enforcement answered questions. The high quality and gorgeous cityscape development conference held in February this year proposed that the beautiful natural scenery and ecological resources should be organically combined linearly from isolated point distribution, and from “scattered" to "beaded chain". We plan to work together with the planning, transportation, water, culture and tourism departments to study and plan, prepare the conceptual design scheme of connecting mountain and Sea city, and make use of Lvdao and Bidao, ancient post road and slow travel system. In some areas with inconvenient transportation, air bridges and other facilities will be built to connect the park green space, river system, tourist attractions and service facilities, so as to make it convenient for citizens to reach, enter, participate and experience, and realize the whole landscape. 全域景观理念由区委区政府于2020年提出,即从地面,到立面,到天面,可视范围内皆为景观。为推动全区高质量高颜值发展,我局今年将统筹重点实施科学城大装置区周边、虹桥公园片区、光明国际汽车城片区、光明南大门片区、科农路及凤凰城片区、时间谷片区共6大片区共34个项目全域景观建设,全面提升光明区城市景观。接下来,我局将继续秉持全域景观理念,按照超前规划、高质量建设、高标准管理原则,通过全行业管控控制区域风貌、全角度打造建设项目、全流程管理项目进度、全方位管养城区容貌,做到每一片景观精心设计,每一件作品精心打造,每一处角落精心维护,将高质量高颜值体现在每个细节,五年内建成不一样出彩的、具有独特竞争优势的深圳北部中心,助推世界一流科学城的建设。 The concept of whole landscape was put forward by the district Party committee and government in 2020, that is, from the ground, to the facade, to the sky, the visible range is landscape. In order to promote the high-quality and gorgeous cityscape development of the whole region, this year, our bureau will focus on the implementation of a total of 34 projects in six large areas, namely, around the large installation area of Science City, Hongqiao park area, Guangming International Automobile City area, Guangming South Gate area, Kenong road and Phoenix City area, and Time Valley area, so as to comprehensively improve the urban landscape of Guangming District. Next, our bureau will continue to adhere to the concept of whole landscape, in accordance with the principles of advanced planning, high-quality construction and high standard management, through the whole industry control and control of regional style, all-round construction projects, whole process management of project progress, and all-round management and maintenance of urban appearance, so that every landscape is carefully designed, every work is elaborately built, and every corner is carefully maintained, which will make the city beautiful High quality and gorgeous cityscape are reflected in every detail. In five years, we will build a distinctive and competitive northern Shenzhen Center, boosting the construction of a world-class science city. 接下来,现场回答网友提问。 Now, it’s time to answer questions from netizens. 网友提问,新闻发布会上提到的高颜值项目建设体系中有三大机制,能否具体谈谈这三大机制是如何运作,保障高颜值项目建设稳步推进的? Question from the netizen: the Press Conference mentioned three mechanisms in the construction system of Gorgeous Cityscape Project. Could you tell us how these mechanisms work to ensure the steady progress of the construction of Gorgeous Cityscape Project? 光明区城市管理和综合执法局相关负责人回答提问。 我局通过建立城市设计及建筑风貌审查管控机制、工程质量全流程监管机制、城区颜值管养维护机制共三项机制,保障高颜值项目建设稳步推进。 The relevant head from District Urban Management and General Law Enforcement Bureau answers the question. Our Bureau is going to establish three mechanisms to ensure steady progress; firstly, the urban design and architectural style review and control; secondly, the whole process supervision on project quality, and finally, the management and maintenance of gorgeous cityscape. 其中城市设计及建筑风貌审查管控机制用来保障项目的规划设计和审批,具体来说就是牵头成立光明区城市设计和建筑风貌专家咨询委员会(专委会),专委会下设5个行业领域专家库,专委会采取“规划必审+行业分级论证”的工作模式,对全区新建项目提供城市设计和建筑风貌方面的专业咨询和技术指导,对控制区内重点项目以及控制区外重大产业项目、公建配套设施、片区整体开发等项目进行报审前的先行论证,确保在项目规划阶段落实高质量高颜值要求。 First of all, the urban design and architectural style review and control is used to guarantee the planning, design and approval of the project. Specifically, takes the leading role in establishing the Guangming District Urban Design and Architectural Style Experts Advisory Committee (Experts Committee). There is a think tank consisted of experts from five industry under the Committee. The Committee adopts the working mode of "reviewed planning+ industry graded demonstration" to provide professional consultation and technical guidance on urban planning support for new projects in the District; as well as carry prior demonstration for key projects in the control area and major industrial projects outside the control area, public construction of supporting facilities, overall development of the District before approval, through these measures to ensure the implementation of high quality and gorgeous cityscape requirements in the project planning stage. 工程质量全流程监管机制用来保障工程项目全流程管理,从质量和颜值上进行把控。具体来说就是实行项目负责人制,由副处级以上干部担任,全过程参加项目管理,全权负责设计方案管理、工程招标管理、施工现场管理、样板标准认定、竣工验收签字、工程进度控制、工程质量把控、工程款拨付、变更管理等各环节,实行质量颜值终身负责制。 Secondly, whole process supervision on project quality focuses on the whole process management of engineering project and control the quality and cityscape. Specifically speaking, implements the project leader system, with cadres at or above the assistant section level participating in the whole process of project management, fully responsible for the design program management, project bidding management, construction site management, sample standard identification, completion acceptance, project progress control, project quality control, project funds allocation, change management and other aspects, and implement the lifelong quality and cityscape responsibility system. 城区颜值管养维护长效机制用来保障建成项目及城区颜值的精细化管养。具体来说就是紧抓“大环卫、大园林、大市容”基本业务,按照环卫管理要精细、园林管理要精心、市容管理要精准、设施装备要精良的原则,以城市高颜值建设专项工作年度绩效考核为抓手,统筹开展城区颜值管养维护工作,考核各成员单位管养范围内的城区颜值管养维护工作。 Thirdly, the long-term management and maintenance of cityscape is applied to ensure the fine management and maintenance of completed projects and cityscape. In particular, pay close attention to the basic business of "cleaner environment, more beautiful garden and more picturesque cityscape". In accordance with the principles of fine environmental sanitation management, meticulous garden management, precise cityscape management and excellent facilities and equipment, start with the annual performance appraisal of the special work of urban gorgeous cityscape construction, coordinate the management and maintenance of urban appearance, and assess the cityscape management performance of each member unit within its managed area. 我们将采取四级管控:规划管控,主要从宏观层面,在多规合一思想指导下,研究项目是否符合土总规、城总规等上位的国土空间总体规划。设计管控,重点在城市设计这个层面,研究片区和建筑的天际线、城市色彩、灯光照明、建筑立面等重点要素。行业管控,各行业主管部门,从道路交通、园林绿化、水务、燃气、供电、通讯、消防、质量安全等领域,对项目是否符合建设标准和行业规范提出审查意见。专家管控,借助“外脑”,借鉴国际一流标准,专家对项目的可行性、科学性、先进性进行论证评审,确保项目建设品质,为领导决策提供参考依据。 We will adopt four-level management and control: first, planning management and control, mainly from the macro level, under the guidance of the idea of multiple compliance, to study whether the project is in line with the general planning of land and space. Second, design management and control, focusing on the level of urban design, to study the skyline of the District and its buildings, urban color, lighting, building elevation and other key elements. Third, industry management and control, the authoritative departments of various industries, from the traffic, landscape, water, gas, power supply, communications, fire, quality and safety etc., to review whether the project conforms to the construction standards and industry codes. Fourth, experts management and control, taking advantages of "external think tank" and international first-class standards. Experts evaluate the feasibility, scientificity and advancement of the project, ensure the quality of project construction, as well as provide reference for leaders' decision-making. 采取“五师制”:学习成都天府新区先进经验,每个片区安排总规划师、总建筑师、总景观师、总经济师、总水利顾问,分别从规划、建筑、景观、经济造价、水利等重要环节,对片区项目设计方案进行全程把关审查。 Besides, we will adopt the "Five-Chief System": Learning from the advanced experience of Tianfu New Area, arrange the Chief Planner, Chief Architect, Chief Landscape Architect, Chief Economist and Chief Water Conservancy Consultant for each area, to review the whole process of the project design from planning, architecture, landscape, economic cost, water conservancy and other important perspectives. 新闻发布会结束。 That’s all about the Press Conference. 内容来源 |光明融媒 绿色光明网 编辑 |关嘉晖 麦泳妤 校审 |赖飞扬 陈圆圆 洪俊佳 如需转载,请注明以上内容 END 左右滑动查看更多 推荐阅读 爱我请给我好看!